What is Kung Fu?
"Be the master of yourself...if you cannot master yourself you cannot master anything." says Master Mantak Chia in a 1983 cable TV show...

Sexual Kung Fu
1983, Master Mantak Chia and Raven Cohan on Cable TV NYC talk about Seminal and Ovarian Kung Fu. Purchase the DVD here #video

Lois Posner Shares Taoist Wisdom
Never before seen footage from the film "How it All Began, Origins of the Healing Tao System" Lois Posner shares Taoist Wisdom from...

Senior Universal Tao Instructor Marie Favorito speaks about the Tao
Senior Healing Tao Teachers, Marie Favorito, shares about the Tao in this 93 minute Documentary Film about the Origins of the Healing Tao...

Senior Healing Tao Instructors Share Taoist Wisdom
Senior Healing Tao Teachers: Marie Favorito, Sharon Smith, Gunther Weil, Juan Li and Michael WInn share Taoist Wisdom derived from the...

Watch the New Trailer!
Enjoy watching the trailer for the film here and please tell your friends and students about this wonderful story! Purchase the DVD here...

This film is about ....
This film is about how Taoist Master Mantak Chia came to introduce ancient Taoist knowledge to the western world for the first time. At a...